THREESOME – Three Original One Act Plays

The Co-Op of Pacific Resident Theatre


Three Original One Act Plays

Opening In The Co-Op
May 16, 2013 through June 1, 2013

Thursday – Saturday 8pm Sunday 3pm
Saturday June 1st at 3pm and 8pm


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Happy Birthday Nancy Kwan by Tracy Poverstein
Amber discovers her true beauty, and remembers the power of laughter and a little lipstick when she has a chance encounter on her birthday!
Cast: Rick Garrison, Darren Kelley, Lesley Williams
Director: Scott Jackson

Po Dunk Nowhere by Tracy Poverstein
Come visit with us at Linda’s Diner where the coffee’s hot and the year is 1955. Disneyland has just opened it’s magical gates, a gallon of gas is only 23 cents and Maeve dreams of going to Hollywood!
Cast: Robin Becker, Caitlin Beitel, Dan Cole, Rick Garrison, Sarah Zinsser
Director: Michael Rothhaar

Lone-Anon by Neil McGowan
Welcome to Lone-Anon: a friendly, positive, court-ordered support group where forming a connection with other people is not only encouraged, it’s mandatory.
Cast: Caitlin Beitel, Dan Cole, Scott Jackson, Neil McGowan, Kendrah McKay, Keith Stevenson
Director: Keith Stevenson
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Producer: Scott Jackson
Set Design: Scott Jackson,
Michael Rothhaar,
Keith Stevenson
Light Design: William Wilday
Sound Design:  Rick Garrison

*This production is not part of the subscription series

Suggested $15 Donation
Tickets (310) 822-8392 or on line at
707 Venice Blvd., Venice, CA 90291


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