Legacy Gifts

Play Your Part in PRT’s Future

Share your abiding passion for the theater by making a gift to PRT in your will or estate plans. Your gift can provide financial security to PRT while offering you and your estate significant tax and other financial benefits.

A few simple ways to remember PRT in your estate plans:

• A Gift through your Will or Trust
• Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust
• Life Insurance
• Retirement Plan Assets
• PRT’s Official Name, Address and Tax ID

A Gift Through Your Will or Trust

A gift through your will or revocable trust is a simple and meaningful way of remembering PRT that may be directed where most needed by the Board of Trustees. A sample clause to share with your attorney is:

I give to Pacific Resident Theatre, a California not-for-profit corporation whose address is P.O. Box 568, Venice, California, 90294 Tax ID: #95-4020232 (the sum of $_________) or (_____ % of the residue of my estate) for its general purposes.

Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust enables you to make a contribution to PRT in exchange for payments each year for a specified term or for life. This payment can be made to you or others you choose. Your gift is invested for the specified term or life and then the remaining assets are transferred to PRT to be used as you have directed. These types of gifts can also provide significant income, capital gains and estate tax savings for you.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance that you no longer need for your family security may be donated to PRT by transferring ownership of the policy or naming the theatre as a beneficiary. Your estate may be entitled to a charitable deduction for the proceeds passing to PRT.

Retirement Plan Assets

The designation of PRT as a beneficiary of retirement plan benefits may be a very savvy tax-wise gift strategy. Our charitable tax status exempts retirement benefits from estate and income taxes that your individual heirs could incur if you were to give retirement plan assets to them.

PRT’s Official Name, Address and Tax ID
Pacific Resident Theatre Ensemble
P.O. Box 568
Venice, Calinfornia 90294
Federal Tax I.D. #95-4020232

For more information about making a planned gift please contact Jennifer Lonsway (Business Manager) at (310) 822-8392.

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