
PRT offers a variety of acting classes for adults taught by members of the company and partnering educators for both beginner and professional actors. Continue below to find the perfect class for your artistic education.

Acting Class with Marilyn Fox, Artistic Director of PRT

The purpose of this class is to develop the actor’s ability to experience their imagination, free their physical body, and promote the actor’s overall growth. Through the use of exercises, improvisation, and scene work, the class will explore and enrich their freedom, honesty, and ability to be present. By giving the actors an understanding of given circumstances, characters, and overall intention, the actors will develop a technique for looking at text and crafting a theater performance.

Saturdays 10:30am – 3:00pm
Mondays 7:00pm – 10:00pm 
Email to sign up.

This class is currently held on zoom. In-person classes returning Spring 2024!

Heal Your Anxiety: Pop-up Meditation Talk

With Buddhist Monk Gen Kelsang Rigpa

The world seems increasingly unstable – the stresses of society are mounting, and the future may seem not only uncertain but even bleak. So what can we do? In this pop-up talk, Gen Rigpa will share meditations and insights to help us transform this uncertainty with meditation and Buddhist wisdom. Everyone welcome – no experience necessary and you do not have to be Buddhist to attend. For more information and to register, visit:
Next Date Coming Soon…
Tuition – $15/class


Creative Dreamwork Lab

With Val Dillman

In this immersive workshop we will relax, slow down, and intuitively explore the rich world of our dreams. Working with our breath, bodies, voices and our imaginations, we’ll learn and practice the tools of Creative Dreamwork in a supportive and nurturing container. Creative Dreamwork merges Stanislavski’s techniques with Jungian dreamwork and the embodied, deep psyche work of Marion Woodman. It engages the imagination, the emotions, the body, the breath, and the voice, allowing a creative relationship between the subconscious with the conscious.
Email to register or for more information
Next Date Coming Soon…
Tuition – $111 (Financial Support Available)
Email to register or for more information


Private Vocal Training

With Karima Tatum

Karima’s unique process transforms your vocal performance by building a whole instrument. Using a natural “singing sound” with relaxed alignment, focused vowels and an Eastern practice for better listening and truer pitch, you’ll strengthen and increase your entire range to achieve a modern “conversational” tone with deeper emotional resonance. This results in true confidence, an instrument in perfect balance and a joyful vocal life.

Private sessions on Zoom for Singers, Actors, Speakers and Serious beginners. Contact to schedule today!


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