

Ingmar Bergman’s stage version

& adaptation of Ibsen’s play A DOLL’S HOUSE













NORA is an exquisite retelling of Ibsen’s masterpiece, A Doll’s House, adapted for the stage by Ingmar Bergman.

Playing February 2nd to February 25, 2012
Thurs, Fri, Sat at 8:00pm
Sundays at 3:00pm
Special 3:00pm performance on February 25, 2012

For Reservations: (323) 460-2508
Suggested donation: $15.00
707 Venice Blvd. (2 blocks west of Lincoln Blvd.)
This production is NOT part of the subscription series

An excerpt from Henrik Ibsen’s earliest notes on A Doll’s House are dated October 19th 1878 and read, “There are two kinds of spiritual laws and two kinds of consciences – one for men and one for women.”

As quoted in Ingmar Bergman Directs (1972) by John Simon, “I want very much to tell, to talk about, the wholeness inside every human being. It’s a strange thing that every human being has a sort of dignity or wholeness in him, and out of that develops relationships to other human beings, tensions, misunderstandings, tenderness, coming in contact, touching and being touched, the cutting off of a contact and what happens then.”


Scott Conte, Jeanette Driver, Bruce French, Brad Greenquist, Martha Hackett


Directed by Dana Dewes, Set and Lighting design by William Willday, Costume Design by Summera Howell, Producers: Kenny Hargrove, Dana Dewes


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