The Co-op at Pacific Resident Theatre presents

More Perfect Union

[one_half] MORE PERFECT UNION uses Barack Obama’s Philadelphia speech on race and Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s speech and press conference at the National Press Club as starting points to look at race, religion and reconciliation in today’s America. The goal is that this piece will be both a darker and lighter look at what this historic year has brought to the surface in the candidacy of Obama, letting art take us deeper into the psychological, spiritual and universal aspects of the, so far, mostly political and journalistic discussion.

john pappas,
amy huntington,
lutishia lovely,
bernard white,
valerie kaur,
haskell vaughn anderson III,
choppy guillotte,
andrea shreeman,
joshua doswell,
valerie dillman,
erich treml,
nancy linahan charles

705 1/2 Venice Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291

JULY 10TH – JULY 20TH 2008
thurs. – sat. 8 p.m. sun. 7 p.m.
$12 suggested donation
reservations: 310- 822-8392

this workshop production is not a part of the subscription series
[/one_half] [one_half_last]
“Pacific Resident Theatre is not affiliated with any politcal stance and the views expressed in ths production are in no way endorsed by PRT.”

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