HEDDA GABLER by Henrik Ibsen.

The Co-op at Pacific Resident Theatre presents


by Henrik Ibsen.

[one_half] Opened September 6th, 2001-
Performs 3 weeks only. Thursdays through Saturdays at 8pm and
Sundays at 3pm.
Closes Sunday, September 23rd.

Note: This workshop production is NOT part of our Mainstage Subscription

Directed By Richard Fancy

The Ensemble: Michael Balsley, Chris Basile, Ron Cohen, Ron E. Dickinson, Lesley Fera, Scott Jackson, Nathan Mobley, Christopher Shaw, Mariah Shirley, Eric Steineger, Keith Stevenson, Michael Thomas

Produced by: Ursula Brooks, Dana Dewes, Molly Schaffer
Set Design: Robert Broadfoot
Costume Design: Audrey Eisner
Light Design: Keith Endo
Sound Design: Michael Lonky

703 Venice Blvd. , Venice CA 90291 Box Office 310 822 8392
[/one_half] [one_half_last]

“The longing to commit a madness stays with us throughout our lives. Who has not, when standing with someone by an abyss or high up on a tower, had a sudden impulse to push the other over? And how is it that we hurt those we love although we know that remorse will follow? Our whole being is nothing but a fight against the dark forces within ourselves. ” Henrik Ibsen

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