Company Meeting: Last reminder: there will be a company meeting next Saturday, October 24th, at 10:30 AM.
Company meeting: A reminder: there will be a company meeting on Saturday October 24th at 10:30 AM. One item on the agenda is help on producing in the co-op. Not only new members but members who have been around awhile might learn a thing or two. Some questions we will deal with: “When and how is it possible to cast outside the company? Does a producer have to hold open auditions for his/her production? How much rehearsal and performance time is available to co-op shows?” I’ll also suggest other ways to take advantage of the co-op. And, most important, members who have produced can answer co-op production questions.
The deadline for the weekly tree is Sunday afternoon at 3PM. Type “tree” in the subject line and send it to me at
October 5th, 2009
PRT Film Unit: Keith Stevenson is now accepting films for the second Short Film night, which, he says, “will be in mid-November, date TBA. Films must be less than 30 minutes long and feature work by a PRT member or associate.” He requests members to send a DVD or mini-DV to him at Keith Stevenson, PRT Short Film Night, 3658 Lavell Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90065 He asks that you include with your film the names of the director, writer, cast, producer, and the total running time including credits-and to indicate members or associates with “an asterisk or bold type.” All films, Keith says, must be received by November 2nd but “the earlier the better.”
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