Co-Op Updates – June 27th, 2011

June 27th, 2011

Mainstage: Elizabeth Karr, Usher Czarina, has almost filled the usher slots for the run of Barrie: Back to Back. Last week the following dates were still open: July 9th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 29th, 30th and 31st. Barrie: Back to Back, of course, plays on a Thursday through Sunday schedule. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 8PM and Sunday performances are at 3PM. If you want to grab a slot, list your first, second and third choices and email Elizabeth at

Members: Voiceover actor, producer and coach Anna Garduno will be holding voiceover/animation classes in L.A. through July and August. The cost for Anna’s class is $175 and she will be conducting two classes. One group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9:30PM on July 27th, August 3rd, and August 10th. The second group will meet on Saturday mornings from 10AM to 12:30 PM on July 30th, August 6th and August 13th. Anna tells us that the space is very limited for the classes; to hold a spot, she requests a deposit of $100, balance payable on the first day of class. You can pay via paypal using the account or by mailing payment to: Anna Garduno, 516 W. 47th Street, Apt M2K, New York, NY10036.

Dear Members, Associates, Journeymen and Women, Apprentices, and Board Members,

I’ve been publishing the tree since the dawn of time and, it’s been clear to me for awhile that PRT Members is now serving the function of the tree. Co-op and Mainstage shows now use PRT Members as a resource. So, at least temporarily, I am ending my job as tree editor. This will be the last tree. If there is a strong demand again, of course, I will be back at the keyboard; otherwise, of course, I will see you all around the joint.


June 5th, 2011

Lindsey Ginter will produce Blue Jay Singin’ in the Dead of Night in the co-op, running from July 21st through August 7th. Lindsey wants to audition actors on June 13th in 707. If you are interested in any of the roles, email Lindsey at and set up an appointment time with him. Lindsey says, “If you’d like to read the play before making a decision about auditioning, let me know and I’ll email you a script.”

Blue Jay is set in 1976-1977. The roles in the play are:

Jay Jarrell, a DJ known as the Blue Jay. In his 50’s Jay is a legend from the Underground radio scene of the 1960’s. (Lindsey Ginter is playing Jay)

Laura Cole , Jay’s girlfriend. Laura is a singer songwriter in her early 30’s, passionate about her music and starting to develop some independence from Jay. The actress playing Laura needs to be able to sing and to play at least some keyboard.

Steve Garrett, Laura’s musical collaborator and eventual love interest, from New York, brazen, but charming and good hearted. Steve is in his early to mid 30’s. The actor playing this role needs to be able to sing and play good guitar.

Max, who is Jay’s new engineer and a company man in the worst sense of the word, can be played anywhere from 30s to 50’s.

The Callers could be onstage or just voice overs; there is no decision as yet as to how they will be played.

Lionel , who is a devoted fan of Blue Jay, is a Vietnam vet and a former protestor in his 30’s

Randy, who is Jay’s long time engineer and Arnie. a low life druggie, will be played by the same actor.

Caroline, a former fan of Jay’s in her 30’s from the Underground radio days of the late sixties and Caller #2, who is a very shy woman caller in her 30’s, will be played by the same actress.

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