Co-Op Updates – January 2009

Co-op: There will be a co-op committee meeting this coming Saturday, February 7th, at 10AM. On the agenda are the co-op series shows for 2009, recruiting and training new co-op liasons, and nominating a co-op board representative to replace Nancy Linehan Charles. Anybody interested in that position should email Tracie Lockwood by Thursday the 5th notifying her of “their intention to run and a brief statement,” says Tracie. “Potential candidates should prepare a statement of intent to be presented at the meeting and emailed to the company. Paper balloting will be conducted at the meeting, followed by email balloting that will go out the week of February 9th.”.Results will be announced on the tree following the election. “The board rep must be prepared to represent the views of the co-op members at the bi-monthly board meetings (and additional events and meetings as necessary) and attend all bi-monthly co-op committee meetings.” Tracie’s e mail is .

January 25, 2009

Gary- (45-55) An actor whose son was was shot and killed under mysterious circumstances in a park. Gary’s son’s death has haunted and devastated his life. In this play we find him employed as “performance therapist” in an upscale Malibu rehab center.

Todd (35-60) a caustic, cynical, and funny producer, Todd comes to rehab not to change his lifestyle but to take a break from it.

January 19, 2009

Project: Bruce Whitney will be producing a late night Edgar Allen Poe project in the fall. If you are interested in working on it or in it, send Bruce an email at .

Members: Anna Garduno says she will “be in NY February 1st and I am going to be teaching a four week voice over/animation class. The class will have a large emphasis on marketing as well as honing audition skills by reading copy. In my experience many actors read well but know very little about the specifics of where they fit into the marketplace.” In addition to addressing market specifics in class, Anna will give “homework so that after class you can continue to focus on the market and where you fit into it.” The class will meet on Thursdays Febuary 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th from 7PM to 9PM in Manhattan on 57th between 9th and 10th. Tuition is $200; Anna asks for a $100 deposit. She encourages you to call her with questions at 323 539 6414.

Committees: Our crack production manager, Aaron Eaton, has been asking members what kind of committee work they would like to do and what committee work they are already doing. His queries have gone out on the PRT Members listserve and on the tree. Aaron says,”The response to the committee emails has been very low.” As of mid week Aaron had only fifteen replies. Because the roster and the website, as we all know, are wildly out of date, Aaron has no idea what committee anybody is on. (Except for those fifteen members who had replied to him by the middle of last week.) Aaron asks: “Please send me your committee, the committee you want, the committee you think you’re already on, the committees from your childhood that aren’t quite as special as the committees you get nowadays– whatever floats your boat, but send me something.” He even adds “With sugar on top.” Cheer him up by sending him an e mail at or calling him at 310 497 4064.

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