Co-Op Updates – January 2008

January 27th, 2008

Judith Montgomery: From her husband Mike: “Right now everyone’s good thoughts and prayers and visits and flowers have been very helpful. Although Judith is not back to usual self, she continues to progress each day. In the last 3 days her progress is quite pronounced–she for the first time been able to read her email (with magnification). walk short distances with assistance, and feed herself confidently. She is not tiring as easily and her sense of humor remains intact. Long Beach Memorial has a wonderful staff that are making her work and she is putting up less resistance each day as she sees her progress. May be quite some time before her elocution will allow her do any Shakespear or answer phones, but her speech is getting much more understandable daily. She can speak with more volume and understanding. She will remain at Long Beach at least until 2/13, but in her PT she is already being shown how to recover from a fall, which I take as a positive sign that she will soon be ambulatory but may have some falls.The positive energy you have all created with your good thoughts and prayers have been very helpful to her.”

The tree is published once a week; the deadline for including an item in the week’s tree is Sunday at 3PM. Addenda are sent out when I’ve made a mistake in the tree. The exceptions I’ve made lately are because Marilyn, Gar, and Judith are so central to our community.

January 17, 2008
Judith: From Jen Lonsway: Michael Montgomery, Judith’s husband, thinks that Judith would now like visitors. He says that 11AM-1PM is the best time to visit.

January 15, 2008

Judith: Matt Solari has found that “the facility where Judith is receiving rehabilitation has a cool feature where you can send her an email, which they will print out and hand deliver.” He suggests we “bury her in good wishes” The e mail form is on the hospital website at .

Gar: While Saturday’s tribute for Gar is fresh in memory, Marilyn requests “any stories or words of wisdom that Gar said to them.” Send them to her at .

Mainstage: Elizabeth Karr asks all members who have not yet ushered for Alice-Sit-By-The-Fire to call or email her for an ushering date. Elizabeth’s e mail address is and her phone number is 323 650 5840.

Judith Montgomery: Judith has been moved to Long Beach Memorial, Room 141B, 2801 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, 90806. According to Jen Lonsway, “Her husband Michael says this is supposed to be one of the best facilities for treatment of stroke. She’ll be there a minimum of two weeks and then they’ll see. She’ll receive four to five hours of therapy per day at this facility so best to call the desk to figure out a good visiting time as she’ll be spending quite a few hours in therapy.” The phone number of the facility is 562 933 2000 and the visiting hours are 11AM to 8PM. To get there, take the 405 and exit at the Atlantic Avenue south offramp. Travel south on Atlantic, crossing Spring Street. Just past Columbia Street, look for the well-marked entrance to LBMMC. Turn right to enter the parking area.

Mary Jane says she had a telephone conversation with Judith and said she could “understand her very well” and “her spirits are incredible.” Judith said it is hard for her to have visitors because the various therapies she’s getting occur at different times of the day; she never knows when to tell people to come.

Website: Judy Trest, our webmaster, reminds all members to update their online bios, pictures, and contact information.

They will work with her three to five hours per day on regaining speech, eye movement (stero vision), walking, putting clothes on , putting a spoon in your mouth, toothbrushing, etc. Michael says she has “a long way to go but this will be the place that determines how far she will be able to get back.”

Judith Montgomery: Judith is still at Kaiser Sunset Hospital and, since she is sleeping a lot, Michael, her husband, feels visits are premature. He’ll notify us when she’ll be able to see people. She is now eating pureed stuff and, though she is not able to eat much, she is getting stronger and has walked a few steps. Michael is not sure whether flowers will be allowed ; till we hear otherwise, it is probably best just to send a card. You can send it to Judith Montgomery, 10801 Molony Road, Culver City, California 90230. Judith will be evaluated by an M.D. tomorrow for placement in a physical rehab facility to which she may be moved as soon as Tuesday. I’ll put out an addendum if I hear any news before Thursday, the day on which I travel back to L.A.

Co-op: The Time of Your Life wants someone to assist during rehearsals from January 19th to January 28th. Matt Solari, who is producing the show, says, “It’s a really easy job, but oh so critical to our process. If you are available for all or most of that time and want to participate in this monumental production, we would love to have you. Heck, half of PRT is already working on it, so join the fun. You can get in touch with Matt at or at 323 691 9268.

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