Co-Op Updates – December 2008

The next few trees will look different. I’ll be sending them from out of town on web mail. I’ll still be picking up messages on the web so keep ’em coming.

Housing exchange: Aaron Eaton, our production manager, says he has “heard from at least two company members who were in need of housing in the past two weeks.” Aaron would like to set up a housing exchange for PRT.”If anyone has an extra room or a guest house or is leaving town and needs a house/pet-sitter, I would like to hook you up with these folk who are looking for crash space. Please let me know what you’d be willing to accept in return– a minimum amount of rent, or perhaps you need someone who can walk the pets, or do some minor repairs.Alternatively, if you are in need of crash space, please let me know so I can match you with one of the rooms offered. It would also help to know if you can pay any amount of rent, or perhaps do gardening, repairs, or some other kind of ‘trade’ for the living space” Aaron can be reached at or at 310 497 4064., or phone her at 323 663 7933. .

Fund Raiser: This weekend, on Saturday, December 6th, at 2PM and on Sunday, December 7th, at 7PM, PRT will present a fund raiser in 703: a reading of Andy Wolk’s play about Chekhov, Strings Snapping. Producer Jordan Baker says “If you all took the time to read the Board minutes that Nancy Linehan just sent to all of us — you will see that our contributed income is off almost 50% for the coming year. PRT is also hurting from the economic times.” She says if every company and board member sold two tickets to Saturday or Sunday’s fund raiser we “would be oversold and $5000 would be in our accounts for 2009.” So far only sold twenty five tickets on Saturday and forty on Sunday have been sold. Jordan thanks everyone who has donated baked goods and their services on the days of the reading; the remaining step is for everyone to sell two tickets. E mail Jordan at and she will send you the flyer. But, she emphasizes, just sending the flyer out is not selling. Selling, of course, “means calling people ” and adds, “Your Board, your staff, and I have been working very hard to make this project a success. Please join us — you have only to benefit from it.” You can also call Jordan at 323 363 7213. .

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