Co-Op Updates – April 2010


April 25th, 2010

Co-op: Rachel Ray, the next co-op production, still needs five actors. The first read through was last night; the cast so far includes Michael Redfield, Ann Bronston, Suzanne Ford, Kristin Iazetta, Chris Shaw, Dennis Madden, and Channing Chase. The roles are Rachel Ray: 19-25ish, a handsome young woman in the first flush of maidenhood. A Jane Austen kind of heroine. Devoted to her mother, she displays an uncommon feistiness when confronted by her dogmatic sister, and a steadfastness, even in adversity, in the face of love. Lower middle-class: Martha Tappitt: late 20s. The eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tappitt. She’s a level-headed, if not particularly distinguished girl. Kind and fair, she often contradicts her sister Augusta, who is more mean and snide. Augusta Tappitt: early 20s. The middle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tappitt. She often echoes her mother, and is the meanest of the Tappitt girls. She is often snide and disguises her contempt for Rachel. Cherry Tappitt: 19. The youngest Tappitt daughter; cheerful, and the one who’s friendliest to Rachel. She likes to have fun, loves balls and is generally likeable. Mr. Charles Comfort: 60ish. An avuncular kind of person, the reverend has a name that suggests his demeanor. The father of Mrs. Cornbury, he’s Mrs. Ray’s wise counsel-until he switches his advice that would greatly impact Rachel’s happiness. Rachel Ray, according to Producer Tom Beyer, will be a “true workshop; actors will be able to carry scripts in performance when needed.” And there will be a live cello player accompanying the play on stage throughout. Call Tom Beyer with your interest at 323 496 2806. Obviously, time is of the essence.

April 18th, 2010

Co-op: The next co-op production, Rachel Ray, is an adaptation of Anthony Trollope’s novel of the same name. Trollope was a Victorian novelist considered by many to be on a level with Charles Dickens. The co-op workshop.which will perform from May 28th to June 13th, still needs a few more parts filled. They are: Luke Rowan (the romantic lead, who falls in love with the title character. Mid-20’s to early 30’s, he is a brash young man, well-educated, upper class, strong-willed and utterly charming.) and Martha, Augusta and Cherry Tappitt (the three daughters of the nouveau-riche brewery-owner, in descending order of age respectively. Martha is bossy and spiteful; Augusta is wishy-washy; Cherry is irrepressibly adorable and enthusiastic. ) The three women’s roles are relatively small, so the rehearsal committment would be low. Jules Willcox, Ann Bronston, Krisin Iazetta, Chris Shaw, Dennis Madden, Channing Chase, Kristin Iazetta, and Suzanne Ford are already cast. Rachel Ray will be a “true workshop” says producer Tommy Beyer. “In other words: we’re not obliging ourselves to come up with a full production., actors will be allowed to use the script in performances, if they wish, unless a particular scene requires both hands free. We will have a live cellist on stage accompanying scenes and scene changes (so no teched sound cues).We will use minimal suggestive partial costuming and minimal light cues.” The writer/adapter Henry Ong and Martin Bedoian are co-directing. To audition contact Tom Beyer at 323-496-2806 or at

April 11, 2010

Co-op: There will be a co-op committee meeting this Saturday, April 17th, at 10AM. All company members are invited.

Tracie Lockwood, chair of the co-op committee, says, “The co-op needs liaisons. A lot has changed in the past few years and we have a training for new and returning liaisons on Saturday April 17 at 11:30AM in the co-op. Please consider becoming a liaison. If you are interested but can’t make this training please e-mail Tracie at and we will set up another session soon.”

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