Classes for 1st-8th

Thanks to our generous donor, all of the Conservatory classes are offered to the community free, but spots are limited, so register soon!

Fall 2019 Classes

Teacher: Yiouli Archontaki

Class Description: In this class students will develop a physical comedy vocabulary ranging from facial expressions to signature gestures and slapstick comedy. This vocabulary will be used to guide them through the creation of physical gags and comedic situations, all with the purpose to heighten their sense of play.

Teacher’s Bio: Yulie (Yiouli) Archontaki is an international artist originating from Greece. She is a physical theatre performer, actor, dancer, choreographer, musician, and architect. After receiving a scholarship from the Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre, Yulie moved to the United States and completed her M.F.A. in Ensemble Based Physical Theatre..

(Yiouli Archontaki Full Bio)

Teacher: Donna DuBain

Class Description: Donna DuBain will be teaching the Improv games of Viola Spolin, the Mother of Improvisation. Students will learn fun improv games that can be used a tool for auditioning, performing, writing, or handling social or school situations with grace, humor and confidence.

Teacher’s Bio: Donna Du Bain has spent most of her life on stage. After over 25 productions on the San Francisco stage, she moved to LA to begin her notorious career as a “serial” improvisational actor. She is a founding member of The Groundlings and then later found her Improv home with The Spolin Players.

(Donna DuBain Full Bio)

Teacher: Donna DuBain

Class Description: Donna DuBain will be teaching the Improv games and concepts of Viola Spolin, the Mother of Improvisation. Students will learn improvisational skills that will provide a strong foundation for those who are interested in further pursuing acting.

Teacher’s Bio: Donna Du Bain has spent most of her life on stage. After over 25 productions on the San Francisco stage, she moved to LA to begin her notorious career as a “serial” improvisational actor. She is a founding member of The Groundlings and then later found her Improv home with The Spolin Players.

(Donna DuBain Full Bio)

Teacher: Peter Kors

Class Description: Peter will share a folk tale or fable with the students, then lead them in songs and age-appropriate theatre games. Toward the end of the class, everyone joins in a short performance of the story. The students will discover how teamwork and artistic self expression can culminate in a joyful sharing of a performance. We will pick our favorite stories and share them with an invited audience on the last day of class.

Teacher’s Bio: Peter Kors is an actor, director and master teaching artist. He currently serves as Conservatory Director for Pacific Resident Theatre Youth Conservatory, and is on the artist roster of Los Angeles Opera, the Music Center Education Division, Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, and Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

(Peter Kors Full Bio)

Teacher: Peter Kors

Class Description: Peter's class focuses on the core of what theatre is about: storytelling. He guides students as they transform stories into short play performances while they learn essential skills such as creative teamwork, verbal expression, and physical mindfulness.

Teacher’s Bio: Peter Kors is an actor, director and master teaching artist. He currently serves as Conservatory Director for Pacific Resident Theatre Youth Conservatory, and is on the artist roster of every major arts organization in Southern California.

(Peter Kors Full Bio).

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