Pacific Resident Theatre Ensemble presents
Southern Girls
by Sheri Bailey and Dura Temple
[one_half] 2 NAACP AwardsMay 12 – June 11
Thurs – Sat 8:00pm
Sunday at 3pm and 7pm
General Admission $13
For Reservations (213) 660-8587
Powerhouse Theatre, 3116 2nd Street,
Santa Monica, CA
Directed by David Catanzarite
Produced by Haskell V. Anderson
Assistant Director Timothy Walton
Lights Designed by Deena Lynn Mullen
Sound Designed by Ruth Judkowitz
Light Board and Sound Operator Lara Wright
Costumes design by Robert Velasquez
Master Electrician Kevin Monk
Set Construction: Matt McKenzie,
Richard Fancy,
Jennifer Taub,
Michael Rothhaar,
Frank Collison,
Bruce Whitney,
Vince Lemocchi,
Margy Stein and
James Hanes
Tree Painted By Scott Campbell
Publicity The Friedberg Company
Photography Ed Krieger
Program William Lithgow
CAST: Joan Chodrow,
Nancy Cheryl Davis,
Terry Davis,
Lydia Hannibal,
Verionica Thompson and
Besty Zane

The recent tragedy in Oklahoma City is a grim reminder of how ignorance can manifest itself in silence. The eyes of innocent children, too stunned to cry, silently voiced the universal question: “Why?”. We wrote “Southern Girls” from hearts like those – those of the little girls we once were, growin gup in the south, who witnessed injustice. Understanding begins with discussion. We hope that our play will improve communication. As Zora Neal Thurston once wrote :Ships at a distance have every one’s dreams on board”. Our dream is a world in which we hope never again to have to look into the shocked eyes of injured children and wonder “why”? [/one_half_last]
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