In the back dressing area in 707 are 2 Dimmer Packs. First you will go to the breaker box on the wall by the dressing mirror and you will flip the control labled “DIMMER PACK” On. And Off before you leave. That switch controls the 2 Dimmer boxes. One above the bathroom door is a 12 channel pack. Each channel can do 10 amps of power= 1200 watts per channel maximum. The other one is smaller located on the left side wall of the bathroom. This one can stay On at all times. If it happens to be Off the power switch is on the underside and it gets plugged into the wall. This pack can do 15 amps = 1800 watts TOTAL across the pack= e.g. 400 on 3 800 on another or 1800 on one. NO MORE THAN 15 AMPS or 1800 watts on this pack.
If you’ve been approved to add additional fixtures like LED cards and need to control them with data you will plug into the bottom of this small box.
- Go to the back in the dressing room to the Breaker Panel and turn on the breakers that are labeled DIMMER. This will bring power to the light board.
- Go up to light booth and turn on the switch in the back right of the light board. Lights should flash on board.
- Hit “Black Out” button on bottom right
- “A Double preset B” – middle (Mode select above will ensure that you are in the right place)
- Last fader on bottom right = all the way down
- Second to last one= all the way down
- Third to last one = all the way UP. And leave them all like that.
Now move to the 2 Fader Banks on the left side of the board. The upper faders and the bottom faders control the same lights. AND the last 2 faders on the right of this bank (to the far left of the 3 faders addressed above) are labeled “A” & “B” correspond to the 2 Fader Banks – A controls the intensity of the top bank & B controls the intensity of the bottom bank.
- Make sure Fader A is at 10. (B is at 0) Then you can set up your first light set up (e.g. Pre Show) on the top bank
- Then let’s say bottom bank B is set for black out. When time to “go to Black” just move both Faders A & B simultaneously A from 10-> 0 & B from 0 ->10
- Then set up Upper bank A for 3rd light set up and continue