Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at PRT

Pacific Resident Theatre is striving to create practices that will diversify the voices that tell our stories on stage, off stage, and in our audiences.

PRT is committed to creating an artistic environment that is diverse and inclusive for any and all artists. We recognize the power that performance and storytelling has in impacting people’s lives and wish to share that with all audiences and artists– especially those who have been underrepresented in theatre before. 

Hiring Practices

Pacific Resident Theatre commits to establish and follow equitable hiring practices void of discriminatory practices. In order to do so, PRT commits to leaving hiring posts up for longer in order for it to reach all members of our community, not request personal information, and access all resumes with the same care and reflection.

In our casting, we commit to blind casting practices unless specific casting is required by the playwright. During the audition process for our shows and for our membership, we commit to not discriminating against all, but not limited to, the following: race, gender identity, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, military status, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, and age. In order to better our hiring practices and employment environment, we will conduct exit interviews with all of our employees (full time, part time, project based).

Land Acknowledgement

Pacific Resident Theatre stands in the traditional territory of the Chumash and Tongva (Gabrielino) people. In our mission to establish an authentic relationship with this land and its Indigenous inhabitants, we are committed to acknowledging our presence in their territory in our website and include this information in our programs.

Diversify Our Community

Committed to bringing art to everyone that wants to experience, PRT is constantly improving how we offer and reach out to different audiences. We will enhance our visibility by reaching out to all communities when advertising our show independent of its themes. Student and Senior tickets will be offered for all performances making shows available to upcoming artists and ensuring we communicate with BIPOC students. Pay What You Choose performances will be offered for all of our community workshops and will NOT be changed independent of any major policy changes that occur in California.

For all of our full price performances, we will offer half price tickets through TodayTix making sure that our productions can be accessible at a low cost for all audiences. Free classes and programs will continue to be offered at our space so that we provide integration opportunities and professional development opportunities for individuals to become empowered through our space.


Since our inception, Pacific Resident Theatre has attempted to constantly improve in how we make our space accessible to all audiences independent of physical ability. In doing such we will always provide wheelchair accessible seating and hearing aids to our audiences. Furthermore, ramps will always be accessible in all of our spaces so that seating and exits are available to all audiences. If any seating requires a ladder and would not be accessible to audience members with disabilities they will be clearly listed in our website. In order to make our digital presence more accessible, all images in our social media and website should include alternative text and all videos will include transcription captioning.

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