Co-Op Updates – May 2007

PRT Members Send List: As if in response to the notice I put in last week,Whitney Whetstone announces members “can receive the PRT Send List emails as a daily digest. You’ll get posts bundled together (usually one per day), instead of singly when they’re sent. And there is a table of contents with all of the subject lines so you can jump to the emails that interest you. To subscribe to the list, email our webmaster Judy Trest,prtmembers, and indicate that you want the Digest version.”

The correct address to get the digest of the PRT Members Send list is prtmembers- . ( It appeared in the tree as prtmembers .)

At the co-op committee meeting last Saturday , Whitney Whetstone gave an update on maintenance issues: the sound system now works properly and an electrician has given us a quote of $3000 to put recessed work lights into the co-op ceiling and hard wire them to a switch. Though Bruce Whitney rejected that quote as too expensive, new member Robert Schampain, an electrician as well as an actor, volunteered his services to Whitney to do the wiring. In other business, the committee has requested a company meeting be scheduled; Matthew will discuss scheduling one with Marilyn; we’ll announce the date on the tree. Finally, it was suggested that the co-op committee ask representatives from other committees to attend co-op committee meetings, keeping the c-op informed about what’s going on at PRT. The next co-op committee meeting is scheduled for Saturday July 14th at 10:30AM.

Co-op: Joe Orton’s Entertaining Mr. Sloan will be the June 28th to July 15th show in the co-op. Michael Redfield will produce and act and John Flynn will direct.

Matt Solari, the chair of the co-op committee says, “The next co-op committee meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 10:30AM.. Anyone still interested in joining the committee should come to this meeting.”

Members: As has been the case for the last several union elections, there has been a lot of heat around PRT about the current AFTRA slates. When Channing Chase suggested that members vote for the AFTRA Leadership Team, Vince Melocchi immediately responded with a recommendation that members vote for “the AFTRA Artists slate ( , especially for Steve Barr.” Kevin Kilner sent an extremely passionate e mail, which he asked to have included in the tree, supporting Channing’s position. The entire letter was also sent out to the PRT Members send list; in case you are not on the PRT Members list, I’ve excerpted and summarized it here. In short Kevin “strongly” concurs with Channing. He has “spent four years in the SAG Boardroom, on many committees” and he says that the AFTRA Leadership Team is”smart, wise, and progressive”; it is composed of working actors who “have careers to lose” and therefore want SAG and AFTRA to consolidate. The AFTRA Artists, who have voted against consolidation, are, in Kevin’s view, “idealogues…many of whom are drawing on their pensions and therefore have nothing to lose in a strike.” Their reasons for opposing merger seem to come from a simple “fear of change.” A lot of Kevin’s letter outlines the Aftra Artist slate’s behavior in the boardroom, which he says allows no time for debate, and relies on name calling. I’m happy to forward the entirety of Kevin’s letter to anyone who requests it. Kevin is also eager to discuss questions regarding consolidation, slates and any other union topics; he can be reached at Vince can be e mailed at “seem reliable choices.”

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