Co-Op Updates – February 2007

February 13, 2007
There are no items for the tree this week.

February 25, 2007

Michael Rotthar, Membership Czar for Life, says that there are only 2 slots house management slots filled for the run of Anatol.
Michael is looking to fill Sunday March 11th and then the entire run of the play except for Friday April 19th.

Anatol runs through Sunday May 27th at 8PM on Thursdays through Saturdays, and with matinees on Sunday at 3. Michael is looking to fill about forty slots and, because Anantol is scheduled to open on March 10th, he will wait for volunteers only until Monday night. (Tomorrow.) At that point he will consult the roster. He is on the “B’s” He is merciless.

February 28, 2007

Whoops. I forgot to post an item from Elina de Santos. Doubly embarassing because I’m in this production. Proof needs a stage manager and a sound designer (it’s an easy show to run with an extremely simple sound plot.) Proof opens the weekend after this coming one. Since I’m one of the producers, you can call me on my service, 310 281 7396, if you can help out.

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